Journal Entries


This page isn't really a bunch of journal entries... It's more whatever's on my mind whenever I feel like updating the page. They could be crude, kind, and even written about you! So if I admit that I love or hate someone on this page, please respect my God-given right to express myself and not hate me. I'm sorry if I manage to offend anyone but This page is meant to be what's inside the real me.

A Dream from long ago....
Ok, I auditiond for Jesus Christ Superstar with the TCDSB. The night before the third rehearsal, I have this dream:
I came to the rehearsal with my friend Dan, and we sat down, and on the chalkboard was a list of every Andrew Lloyd Webber musical. Paulina, our director, explained to us that all of these musicals were forbidden for us to do. So I turn to Dan and say "that was kind of pointless b/c we still have Superstar to do" and he said "no we can't do it, don't you see?" so i took another look at the board, and sure enough JC Superstar was also crossed out. The next day at rehearsal it's revealed to us that the rights for Jesus Christ Superstar have been denied to us and we were forced into doing Joseph and the Amazing technicolor Dreamcoat. now THAT'S FREAKY.

Stories from Toronto Trek 18 (Canada Day weekend 2004)....
Man, What a FUCKING GREAT CONVENTION!!!! It's the best solo fun I've ever had. I did everything I wanted to this year, and more!
FRIDAY: The Con began for me after work; around 4 or so. Went to Pre-reg and got all my membership package instantly - there was no lineup. Next I went to the volunteer table and signed up for several hours of volunteering in order to get the discount for next year as well as other free schtuff. Didn't do much other than volunteer for that night. I did see Bubba Ho-Tep (great flick) then went home.
SATURDAY: The MOTHER of all days. Firstly I get up, LATE, so I miss out on some volunteer hours and a few of the activities I wanted to take part in that morning. No matter


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